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098 - Victorian Railways Switches Crossings and Permanent Way

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Historical Engineering Collection

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Document contains conditions of contract for switches and crossings for Victorian Railways. It includes a specification and a form of tender for the contract. The tender to be made out to [HCE Childers] esquire, MP and to be an offer to supply Board of Land and Works for the Colony of Victoria with crossings.


The document refers to experiments to take place to determine the amount of pressure necessary to squeeze the joint plates into the longitudinals. Letter signed by [Marsh].

March 1848

Three drawings on one sheet of various sections of permanent way of one in ten acute crossing.


Five drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of plan of joint, second drawing is of transverse section, third drawing is of transverse section at AB, fourth drawing is of joint of longitudinal timbers with an elevation and section at CD, fifth drawing is of general plan. Drawing is traced from contract drawing.

September 1849

Four drawings on one sheet showing use of Ransomes and Biddells patent solid chilled crossing including drawings of sections thro' AB and thro' CD.

21 May 1861

Drawing of plan and sections of Briton Ferry shewing docks, initialled by Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

April 1850

Five drawings on one sheet of sections and plans of rail.


Item is an advertisement for Stevens and Son Darlington Works. Drawing contains pictures of station signal, distant signal, and junction signal and explains how signals are fitted and work.


Eleven drawings on one sheet of standard spring crossings. Drawings are all for right springs but note says that left springs will be the reverse. Drawings include various sections and details of crossings.


Document is a letter from [j] Matthews to the North London Engineer's Office which details a trial made of 'Aitkens Patent pot. Sleepers' which were found to be the 'best of that kind of iron sleeper". Letter is signed by J Matthews and John Gordon esquire.

18 August 1868

Six drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of plan of rails, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth drawings are of sections of rails. 4 Victoria Street, Westminster Abbey. As rolled for the Great Northern Railway

June 1860

Drawing is of plan of rails with patent switch. Signed by [J Ellis and co. in Salford]

February 1857

Sixteen drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of plan of switch, second drawing is of an elevation, third to eighth drawings are of chairs, elevations and sections on line AB, eleventh drawing is of sections of the switch at the various points shown on the plan, twelfth to sixteenth drawings are of plans. Drawing also contains section of three advantages of the switches.


Three drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of cross section of horizontal section of track, second drawing is of cross section of rail joint, third drawing is of general plan.


Three drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of a plan, second drawing is of section at AB, third drawing is of an elevation. Drawing has been signed by Marsh.

March 1853

Eleven drawings on one sheet of standard open crossings. Drawings include packed open crossing no. 3, packed open crossing no. 4, sections of fillings, open crossing no's 3a and 4a and bridge rail crossings no. 3b and 4b.


Eight drawings on one sheet for patent pyramidal safety rail. Drawings include section of rail laid down upon the London and North Western Railway, general plan, general elevation and fish plate.


Two drawings on one sheet of sections of rail. Information about crossing attached.

26 June 1855

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