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098 - Victorian Railways Switches Crossings and Permanent Way

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Historical Engineering Collection

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Four drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of plan of joint, second drawing is of transverse section at AB, third drawing is of joint of longitudinal timbers with an elevation and section at CD, fourth drawing is of general plan.

1/1/45, 12:00 AM

Six drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of cross section of horizontal section of track, second drawing is of elevation of rail joint (as first laid), third drawing is of transverse section, fourth drawing is of plan of section of joint plate, fifth drawing is of sections of rail joint (when thoroughly compressed), sixth drawing is of general plan.

1/1/45, 12:00 AM

Five drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of plan of joint, second drawing is of transverse section, third drawing is of transverse section at AB, fourth drawing is of joint of longitudinal timbers with an elevation and section at CD, fifth drawing is of general plan. Drawing is traced from contract drawing.

9/1/49, 12:00 AM

The document refers to experiments to take place to determine the amount of pressure necessary to squeeze the joint plates into the longitudinals. Letter signed by [Marsh].

3/1/48, 12:00 AM

Five drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of plan of joint, second drawing is of transverse section, third drawing is of transverse section at AB, fourth drawing is of joint of longitudinal timbers with an elevation and section at CD, fifth drawing is of general plan.

1/1/45, 12:00 AM

Four drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of plan of joint, second drawing is of transverse section at AB, third drawing is of joint of longitudinal timbers with an elevation and section at CD, fourth drawing is of general plan. Tracing for Bennett, 6 June 1851, copy sent to Neath for Schibiling, 22 July 1850.

6/6/51, 12:00 AM

Nine drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of contract No. 4B and west end of 6B, second drawing is of north side of Nightingale Valley, third drawing is of contract No. 5B part of Saltford embankment, fourth drawing is of plan of Saltford embankment, fifth drawing is of contract No. 5B cutting west of Keynsham, sixth drawing is of Contract No. 2B No. 2 Cutting, seventh drawing is of No. 3 cutting with rocky bottom, eighth drawing is of contract No. 3B west of 90 Keynsham, ninth drawing is of Contract No. 6B. All drawings are cross sections of the land showing where line of rails will go.

1/1/35, 12:00 AM

Six drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of a cross section, second drawing is of a section of track, third drawing is of an elevation, fourth drawing is of a plan, fifth drawing is of cross section No. 1, sixth drawing is of saddle plates of positions of holes. To 18 Duke Street, 16th July 1855.

7/6/55, 12:00 AM

Six full drawings on one sheet. only an unannotated part of a seventh drawing. First drawing is of a cross section of a track showing the width of 7'01/4'', second drawing is of plan of joint plate, third drawing is of a section of track, fourth drawing is of an elevation, fifth drawing is of a plan, sixth drawing is of cross section No. 1.

1/1/40, 12:00 AM

Five drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of horizontal elevation of track, second drawing is of section of rail joint when thoroughly compressed, third drawing is of plan of track, fourth drawing is of transverse section, fifth drawing is of plan of section of joint plate.

1/1/35, 12:00 AM

Drawing is of plan of rails with patent switch. Signed by [J Ellis and co. in Salford]

2/1/57, 12:00 AM

Six drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of plan of rails, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth drawings are of sections of rails. 4 Victoria Street, Westminster Abbey. As rolled for the Great Northern Railway

6/1/60, 12:00 AM

Three drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of a section, second drawing is of an elevation, third drawing is of a plan.

2/18/65, 12:00 AM

Sixteen drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of plan of switch, second drawing is of an elevation, third to eighth drawings are of chairs, elevations and sections on line AB, eleventh drawing is of sections of the switch at the various points shown on the plan, twelfth to sixteenth drawings are of plans. Drawing also contains section of three advantages of the switches.

1/1/35, 12:00 AM

Half of drawing missing. Latter half of title reads "nent Way Company", and "fastenings now used on railways". Thirty four full drawings on sheet including W. Pole's tapp'd fish joint, Robert Richardson and JE Billup's right and left hand screws, Peter Ashcroft's chair, James Samuels's double fish chair and W. Barnincham's joint chair in two parts. Signed at bottom by Mr. Richardson, The Permanent Way Company.

1/1/50, 12:00 AM

Document is a letter from [j] Matthews to the North London Engineer's Office which details a trial made of 'Aitkens Patent pot. Sleepers' which were found to be the 'best of that kind of iron sleeper". Letter is signed by J Matthews and John Gordon esquire.

8/18/68, 12:00 AM

Four drawings on one sheet of various details for No. 1 switch, set for main line, including a general plan, an elevation and section at AB.

1/1/45, 12:00 AM

Three drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of a plan, second drawing is of section at AB, third drawing is of an elevation. Drawing has been signed by Marsh.

3/1/53, 12:00 AM

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