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075 - Bristol and Exeter Railway Contract 2D

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Historical Engineering Collection

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Drawing No. 1 for Contract No. 2D. Drawing shows the plan of the route of the line through the parishes of West Buckland, East Nynehead and Wellington. This is one of the Drawings referred to in the contract between the Bristol and Exe[ter] Railway Company and Mrs John Waring, William Waring and Henry Waring bearing date the nineteen[th] day of August 1842. Drawing is signed by John Waring, William Waring and Henry Waring.

4/18/42, 11:00 PM

Eight drawings on one sheet. Drawing No. 6 for Contract No. 2D. First drawing is of an elevation, second drawing is of transverse section at AB, third drawing is of an elevation, fourth drawing is of transverse section at AB, fifth drawing is of a plan, sixth drawing is of longitudinal section at CD, seventh drawing is of a plan, eighth drawing is of longitudinal section at CD. This is one of the drawings referred to in the contract between the Bristol and Exeter Railway Company and Mr.s John Waring, William Waring and Henry Waring bearing date the nineteenth day of August 1842. Drawing is signed by John Waring, William Waring and Henry Waring.

8/18/42, 11:00 PM

Five drawings on one sheet. Drawing No. 4 for Contract No. 2D. First drawing is of an elevation, second drawing is of longitudinal section, third drawing is of transverse section, fourth drawing is o f plan of superstructure with plan of foundations, fifth drawing is of section at CD. This is one of the drawings referred to in the contract between the Bristol and Exeter Railway Company and Mr s John Waring, William Waring and Henry Waring bearing date the nineteenth day of August 1842. Drawing is signed by John Waring, William Waring and Henry Waring.

8/18/42, 11:00 PM

Six drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of an elevation, second drawing is of plan of foundations with plan of superstructure, third drawing is of longitudinal section at A[B], fourth drawing is of sections at G and H, fifth drawing is of transverse section at CD, sixth drawing is of back elevation at EF. Top section of drawing is missing in right hand corner where part of annotation remains. [Annotation should be: This is one of the Drawings referred to in the contract between the Bristol and Exeter Railway Company and Mr s John Waring, William Waring and Henry Waring bearing date the nineteenth day of August 1842. Drawing is signed by John Waring, William Waring and Henry Waring.]

8/18/42, 11:00 PM

Two drawings on one sheet. Drawing No. 3 for Contract No. 2D. First drawing is of cross section No. 1, second drawing is of cross section No. 2. This is one of the drawings referred to in the contract between the Bristol and Exeter Railway Company and Mr s John Waring, William Waring and Henry Waring bearing date the nineteenth day of August 1842. Drawing is signed by John Waring, William Waring and Henry Waring.

8/18/42, 11:00 PM

Six drawings on one sheet. Drawing No. 7 for Contract No. 2D. First drawing is of an elevation, second drawing is of plan of foundations with plan of superstructure, third drawing is of longitudinal section at AB, fourth drawing is of sections at G, H and I, fifth drawing is of transverse section at CD, sixth drawing is of back elevation at EF. This is one of the drawings referred to in the contract between the Bristol and Exeter Railway Company and Mr.s John Waring, William Waring and Henry Waring bearing date the nineteenth day of August 1842. Drawing is signed by John Waring, William Waring and Henry Waring.

8/18/42, 11:00 PM

Five drawings on one sheet. Drawing No. 5 for Contract No. 2D. First drawing is of an elevation, second drawing is of longitudinal section, third drawing is of end view, fourth drawing is of a plan of superstructure with plan of foundations, fifth drawing is of transverse section. This is one of the drawings referred to in the contract between the Bristol and Exeter Railway Company and Mr s John Waring, William Waring and Henry Waring bearing date the nineteenth day of August 1842. Drawing is signed by John Waring, William Waring and Henry Waring.

8/18/42, 11:00 PM

Three drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of an elevation with section at AB, second drawing is of plan of section at EF, third drawing is of plan of superstructure.

8/18/42, 11:00 PM

Drawing No. 2 for Contract No. 2D. Drawing is of a cross section of the land through which the line in Contract No. 2D will pass. This is one of the drawings referred to in the contract between the Bristol and Exeter Railway Company and Mr s John Waring, William Waring and Henry Waring bearing date the nineteenth day of August 1842. Drawing is signed by John Waring, William Waring and Henry Waring.

8/18/42, 11:00 PM

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