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076 - Bristol and Exeter Railway Contract 4B

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Historical Engineering Collection

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Two drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of an elevation, second drawing is of plan of superstructure and plan of foundations.

3/31/40, 11:00 PM

Two drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of an elevation, second drawing is of plan of superstructure with plan of foundations.

12/31/34, 11:00 PM

Two drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of an elevation, second drawing is of plan of superstructure and plan of foundations.

12/31/34, 11:00 PM

Two drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of section at AB, second drawing is of end view with section at EF.

12/31/34, 11:00 PM

Two drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of section at AB, second drawing is of end view with section at EF.

12/31/34, 11:00 PM

One drawing showing Somerset Bridge

1/1/35, 12:00 AM

Four drawings on one sheet. Drawing No. 3 for Contract No. 4B. First drawing is of an end view, second drawing is of longitudinal section, third drawing is mostly missing and title missing, fourth drawing is of plan of foundations.[Most of annotation is missing, as are half of two signatures]. Also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt].

7/3/38, 11:00 PM

Two drawings on one sheet. Drawing No. 2 for Contract No. 4B. First drawing is of an elevation, second drawing is of plan of superstructure. This is one of the drawings referred to in the contract between the Bristol and Exeter Railway Company and Mr Samuel Bromhead. Dated this 4th day of July 1838. Drawing is signed by Samuel Bromhead and I K Brunel, also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt].

7/3/38, 11:00 PM

Drawing No. 1 for Contract No. 4B. First drawing is of a plan showing the route of the line through Bridgewater and North Petherton. This is one of the drawings referred to in the contract between the Bristol and [Exeter] Railway Company and Mr Samuel Bromhead. Dated this 4th day of July 1838. Drawing is signed by Samuel Bromhead and I K Brunel, also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt].

7/3/38, 11:00 PM

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