Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Historical Engineering Collection
Document is indenture made the fourth day of July in the year of our lord 1838 between the Bristol and Exeter Railway Company on the one part and Samuel Bromhead of the city of Bristol, builder, on the other. Contract includes information for the schedule of the works to take place and a description of the works to take place. Document is signed by Samuel Bromhead. Contract for making certain earth work on bridges and masonry and other works.
7/3/38, 11:00 PM
Drawing No. 2 for Contract No. 1B. Drawing shows the cross section of the land for where the line passes from Burton Row Rhine to Occupation Road. Drawing is signed by Samuel Bromhead and I K Brunel, also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt].
7/3/38, 11:00 PM
Four drawings on one sheet. Drawing No. 6 for Contract No. 1B. First drawing is of an elevation, second drawing is of section at AB, third drawing is of section at EF, fourth drawing is of a plan with plan of foundations at CD and plan of superstructure. Drawing is signed by Samuel Bromhead and I K Brunel, also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt].
7/3/38, 11:00 PM
Twelve drawings on one sheet. Drawing No. 4 for Contract No. 1B. First three drawings are of elevations, fourth, fifth and sixth drawings are of barrels, seventh, eighth and ninth drawings are of longitudinal sections, tenth, eleventh and twelfth drawings are of plans. Drawing is signed by Samuel Bromhead and I K Brunel, also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt].
7/3/38, 11:00 PM
Three drawings on one sheet. Drawing No. 3 for Contract No. 1B. First drawing is of embankment No. 1, second drawing is of cutting No. 1, third drawing is of cutting No. 2. Drawing is signed by Samuel Bromhead and I K Brunel, also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt].
7/3/38, 11:00 PM
Four drawings on one sheet. Drawing No. 5 for Contract No. 1B. First drawing is of an elevation, second drawing is of section at AB, third drawing is of section at EF, fourth drawing is of a plan with plan of foundations at CD and plan of superstructure. Drawing is signed by Samuel Bromhead and I K Brunel, also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt]
7/3/38, 11:00 PM
Drawing No. 1 for Contract No. 1B. Drawing shows the plan of the route of the line through the parish of South Brent. Drawing is signed by Samuel Bromhead and I K Brunel, also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt].
7/3/38, 11:00 PM
Three drawings on one sheet of Wick Lane Bridge. Drawing altered from drawing No. 5 and is No. 1B II. First drawing is of elevation and section on the square, second drawing is of [section] on line AB with end view, third drawing is of plan of superstructure with plan of foundations.
12/31/34, 11:00 PM