Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Historical Engineering Collection
Four drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of elevation, second drawing is of section at A.B, third drawing is of section, fourth drawing is of plan of foundations at C.D and superstructure. Signed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Samuel Bromhead.
12/31/34, 11:00 PM
One drawing on sheet showing cross section of land for contract No. 2B between South Brent and Burnham showing positions of bridges, footpaths and rivers. Signed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Samuel Bromhead.
12/31/34, 11:00 PM
Twelve drawings on one sheet. Drawings one to three are of elevations, drawings four to six are of barrels, drawings seven to nine are of longitudinal sections, drawings ten to twelve are of plans of superstructure and foundations. Signed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Samuel Bromhead, also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt].
12/31/34, 11:00 PM
Three drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of embankment no. 1, second drawing is of cutting no. 1, third drawing is of cutting no. 2. Signed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Samuel Bromhead, also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt].
12/31/34, 11:00 PM
Bristol and Exeter Railway - Contract 2B Drawing No.1 - Plan of Land Taken from the Parish of South Brent to the Parish of Burnham.
12/31/34, 11:00 PM
Four drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of elevation, second drawing is of section at A.B, third drawing is of section at E.F, fourth drawing is of plan of superstructure and plan of foundations at C.D. Signed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Samuel Bromhead, also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt].
12/31/34, 11:00 PM
Three drawings of 6ft culvert. Drawing No. 4 for Contract No. 2B. First drawing is of an elevation with section at AB, second drawing is of section at EF, third drawing is of plan of superstructure with plan of foundations. Drawing is signed by William Gravatt.
9/24/38, 11:00 PM
Three drawings on one sheet. Drawing No. 6 for Contract No. 2B. First drawing is of an elevation with section at EF, second drawing is of section at AB, third drawing is of plan of foundations at CD with plan of superstructure. Drawing is signed by William Gravatt.
4/24/35, 11:00 PM
Three drawings on one sheet of culvert of three feet, six inches. Drawing No. 4 for Contract No. 2B. First drawing is of an elevation with section at AB, second drawing is of section at EF, third drawing is of plan of superstructure with plan of foundation. Drawing is signed by William Gravatt.
9/24/38, 11:00 PM
Two drawings on one sheet. Drawing No. 3 for Contract No. 2B. First drawing is of an embankment, second drawing is of cutting no. 1 and cutting no. 2. Drawing is signed by William Gravatt.
9/24/38, 11:00 PM
Three drawings on one sheet of culvert four feet, six inches. Drawing No. 4 for Contract No. 2B. First drawing is of an elevation with section at AB, second drawing is of section at EF, third drawing is of plan of superstructure with plan of foundation. Drawing is signed by William Gravatt.
9/24/38, 11:00 PM
Three drawings on one sheet of Burrow Road Bridge. Drawing No. 5 for Contract No. 2B. First drawing is of elevation with section at EF, second drawing is of section at AB, third drawing is of plan of foundations at CD with plan of superstructure. Drawing is signed by William Gravatt.
9/24/38, 11:00 PM