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077 - Bristol and Exeter Railway Contract 1C

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Historical Engineering Collection

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Drawing No. 1 for Contract No. 1C. Drawing is of plan of line passing through North Petherton. Drawing is signed by Thomas Townshend and I K Brunel, also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt].

12/31/34, 11:00 PM

Drawing No. 2 for Contract No. 1C. Drawing is of cross section of the land showing cuttings and embankments for section of rail. Drawing is signed by Thomas Townshend and I K Brunel, also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt].

12/31/34, 11:00 PM

Twelve drawings on one sheet. Drawing No. 4 for Contract No. 1C. Drawings are of elevations, plans, longitudinal sections and sections. Drawing is signed by Thomas Townshend and I K Brunel, also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt].

12/31/34, 11:00 PM

Two drawings on one sheet. Drawing No. 3 for Contract No. 1C. First drawing is of an embankment, second drawing is of a cutting. Drawing is signed by Thomas Townshend and I K Brunel, also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt].

12/31/34, 11:00 PM

Five drawings on one sheet. Drawing No. 5 for Contract No. 1C. First drawing is of an elevation, second drawing is of section at AB, third drawing is of section at EF, fourth drawing is of plan of foundations with plan of superstructure. Drawing is signed by Thomas Townshend and I K Brunel, also initialled by 'WG' [William Gravatt].

12/31/34, 11:00 PM

Three drawings on one sheet. First drawing is of an elevation with section at EF, second drawing is of section at AB, third drawing is of plan of foundations at CD with plan of superstructure.

12/31/34, 11:00 PM

Two drawings on one sheet of cross sections. One drawing is of a cutting, the second is of an embankment.

4/27/41, 12:00 AM

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